Date: Mon, 14 Mar 94 04:30:22 PST From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #69 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Mon, 14 Mar 94 Volume 94 : Issue 69 Today's Topics: Best cars for mobile HF/VHF?? Diesel or Taurus fr HF/VHF mobile?? (2 msgs) EMAIL to mid-ocean? F6FBB via FTP? (2 msgs) tfkiss TS-940 Computer Interface Pgm WANTED Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 13 Mar 94 16:42:44 GMT From:!nyx10! Subject: Best cars for mobile HF/VHF?? To: In article <>, Gary Coffman wrote: >Look at what the cops are driving. Ford Crown Victorias seem popular >with them, as do Chevy Caprices. There's a brand new '94 Crown Vic with police package sitting in my driveway as I type this, courtesy of the EMS I run with. All I can say is...WOW!!! (Unfortunately, I have to pass it along at the end of my shift...) > Order your's with the same fleet codes >that they use and you'll have a car that works well with radios. I thought mere mortals couldn't buy cars with those fleet codes. -- Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL | Never ascribe to malice that which can | adequately be explained by stupidity. "The difference between baseball and politics is that, in baseball, if you get caught stealing, you're out!" -- Ed Shanks ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Mar 1994 13:43:56 GMT From:!swrinde!emory!wa4mei!ke4zv! Subject: Diesel or Taurus fr HF/VHF mobile?? To: In article <2lr2dj$> (Robert Penneys) writes: > I got a variety of responses for a car which would be good for 100 watts >or so of HF and 50 or so of 2 meter and 440 radio. Criteria were lack of >interference from car into receiver and from transmitter into auto >electronics. > >Diesels and the Taurus were among those favored. Anyone else have comments >on these choices. People often say to buy a diesel because it won't generate any RFI. I wish they could have owned my diesel Nissan pickup. It had the most horrendous RFI I've ever experienced in a vehicle. There was a severe popping noise, similar to really severe ignition noise, any time the engine was running. I could disconnect the alternator belt and the battery (after starting the engine), and the noise was still there with no vehicle electrical equipment operating at all. It got into everything from the entertainment radio to HF, VHF, and UHF ham gear. I tried every trick I know, (and I thought I knew them all), without any success. The dealer couldn't fix it. The zone office couldn't fix it. I even talked to factory engineers in Japan. Everyone was stumped. I finally sold the vehicle back to them and bought a Jeep pickup. Aside from some alternator whine, which I fixed with a choke, it's generated no RFI from it's 6 cylinder gasoline engine. Gary -- Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary 534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | | ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Mar 1994 16:42:59 GMT From: world! Subject: Diesel or Taurus fr HF/VHF mobile?? To: In article <> (Gary Coffman) writes: >In article <2lr2dj$> (Robert Penneys) writes: >> I got a variety of responses for a car which would be good for 100 watts >>or so of HF and 50 or so of 2 meter and 440 radio. Criteria were lack of >>interference from car into receiver and from transmitter into auto >>electronics. >> >>Diesels and the Taurus were among those favored. Anyone else have comments >>on these choices. > >People often say to buy a diesel because it won't generate any RFI. I wish >they could have owned my diesel Nissan pickup. It had the most horrendous >RFI I've ever experienced in a vehicle. There was a severe popping noise, >similar to really severe ignition noise, any time the engine was running. >I could disconnect the alternator belt and the battery (after starting the >engine), and the noise was still there with no vehicle electrical equipment >operating at all. It got into everything from the entertainment radio to >HF, VHF, and UHF ham gear. Ignition noise is often NOT the problem. It is very possible that the engine used fuel injection (solenoids, square wave pulses), an electronic fuel pump (my Pathfinder has a noise problem from the fuel pump), and a computer system. So getting a diesel is not likely to be a big help. Now in the old days of mechanical fuel pumps, carbs, etc. it might have been fine... > >I tried every trick I know, (and I thought I knew them all), without >any success. The dealer couldn't fix it. The zone office couldn't fix >it. I even talked to factory engineers in Japan. Everyone was stumped. >I finally sold the vehicle back to them and bought a Jeep pickup. Aside >from some alternator whine, which I fixed with a choke, it's generated >no RFI from it's 6 cylinder gasoline engine. > >Gary >-- >Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary >Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary >534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary >Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | | -- --------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel Senie Internet: Daniel Senie Consulting 508-365-5352 Compuserve: 74176,1347 ------------------------------ Date: 14 Mar 94 09:51:36 GMT From: Subject: EMAIL to mid-ocean? To: Thank you, "John In Miami" for you comments. However, if you are just going to voice your amusement at my reply, then please don't fall victim to some of the same mistakes yourself... 1. Do research YOUR material before you post! This is about the best example of bad spelling, incorrect grammar, and jumped-to conclusions that I have ever seen... Did you actually read what I sent, or did you just laugh at it? 2. What have my relatives got to do with it? (I assume that you mean relatives, john, even though you write "relitaves"!). I just gave some ideas to help SOMEONE ELSE with their problem... (Did you really read it?) 3. As far as I am aware, my comments are still correct WHEN CONSIDERED FROM MY GEOGRAPHIC position. I live in France, and the laws of that country are in no way related to the laws of the USA or any state therein. Don't forget, John, that everyone is entitled to their own point of view. For example: In my messages (sent to a NON-RADIO AMATEUR!!) I said... "First of all remember the licence conditions: An amateur licence is issued to permit EXPERIMENTS IN RADIO ELECTRICITY, not to permit the establishment of a communications network!!!!! (This is true in all countries! so... " Well now I know that this statement is partly false. It is true in France, but not necessarily in other countries. You learn something every day. Why does this make you laugh??? 4. I have never heard of "The Maritime Mobile Net" or "The Waterway Net", so why do you imagine that if I stopped for a minute I would realise that someone might use them? Or do you mean the "Marine VHF and HF voice" services I mentioned in my message? (In which case did you really read it??) So let's take a look at your message, and see if we can't find something to laugh at there! (If my kids had presented this at school I would want to know what their teachers were there for!!!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Date: Fri, 11 Mar 94 21:12:56 -0500 |From:!!! |Subject: EMAIL to mid-ocean? |To: | | |Well, let me say this. At the risk of offending anyone, And I don't mean to, |capital A |please folks, and this is directed with a smile at Tim research your material |-- some bad grammar here!!!---| |punctuation |before you post, I had the best laugh I've ever had read this newsgroup. |----------------------------|----| grammar/tenses |All, I can say is the following, Tim says that in part, amateur radio was |----------------------------- |not created to build comunication networks, well, what do you call emerangancy, -------------| get your quotations right! |spelling| I did not say that: see above. |The Maritime Mobile Net and The Waterway Net? Hence the word net,, "Internet" Actually, "Net" as defined in the Oxford Dictionary means: (apart from the traditional meaning of a meshwork of fabric), "Something resembling a net, a reticulation or network." "Net" in Internet referes to the interconnection of things, NOT to the communication process. That is why it is called a "Communications" Network! | |I think if he stoped aminiute he would realize that his relitaves could use | | | spelling and typing | spelling |the Maritime Mobile Net, provided they could get thru all the fighting and | I use 'through' because I am British. You can use what you like. |crap going on down there, or they could use The Waterway Net. | please, what is "all the fighting and crap" going on down where? |Please forgive me, I don't mean to come off to stronge, I'm sorry but I just | this word I don't know! |had to get it off my chest. | |Regards, John In Miami ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And best regards to you too, John. I'm glad my message makes you smile, but I hope it is not with condescension. I actually learned a lot from the answers to nick's original message, and the comments and corrections to my reply. The only thing I learned from your message, however, is that the world still contains people who find it amusing to discover that others do not know what they know. But surely, that is the reason for setting up information nets like this one? So please John, let's stick to useful comments in future, eh? Tim Walker (FA1JHD) France. ------------------------------ Date: 14 Mar 94 05:11:54 GMT From: Subject: F6FBB via FTP? To: Hi, Where is a good FTP site with the Latest version of F6FBB packet bbs software and G8BPQ software? Thanks! ------------------------------ Date: 14 Mar 1994 07:46:35 GMT From:!!!!!pipex!sunic!!!! Subject: F6FBB via FTP? To: budinger@titan.ds.gen.nj.US (Eric Todd Budinger) writes: >Hi, > Where is a good FTP site with the Latest version of >F6FBB packet bbs software and G8BPQ software? Thanks! Try The latest versions are in directories /pub/ham/packet/g8bpq (4.07a) and /pub/ham/packet/bbs/f6fbb (5.15 + update to 5.15c). Markku, OH2BQZ -- Markku Toijala ! Phone: +358-0-567 5262, fax. +358-0-567 5400 ICL Personal Systems Oy ! Email: (Internet) P.O.Box 780 ! X400: C=FI A=MAILNET P=ICL O=ICL OU=FIN1401 00101 Helsinki, Finland ! S=TOIJALA G=MARKKU ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 10:51:39 GMT From:!usc!!pipex!sunic!!!! Subject: tfkiss To: HI OM! Is there any place to get tfkiss with FTP ?? 73 de Petri OH1MVH -- # Petri Hyv{rinen # # Rakuunatie 60D37 packet:OH1MVH@OH1RBU.FIN.EU # # 20720 TURKU # ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 1994 11:24:28 -0500 From:!usc!!!panix! Subject: TS-940 Computer Interface Pgm WANTED To: Does anyone know of a good program to use to control the TS-940 ? I have it working with my Logmaster logging pgm but still want more, maybe something to use for scanning etc. -- Frank Garofalo NBC-TV New York Home: Packet: WA2NDV @ WA2NDV.#NLI.NY.USA.NA ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #69 ******************************